Nathan Long
CCR Program Leader/Sr. Project Manager
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Ohio Northern University
Mr. Long leads the CCR Program for Key. He has 33 years of experience operating and maintaining coal-fired power plants. As Plant Manager, he led decommissioning and liability transfer efforts for 4 coal-fired power plants in Ohio and West Virginia. He served 3 years as National Director of Operations for a liability transfer company, with high-level oversight of several CCR closures, utilizing various closure designs. Over his career, Mr. Long has over 15 years of CCR experience.
Years Experience/Years with KEY: 37/1
Practice Area(s):
Brownfield Remediation/Redevelopment
Coal Combustion Residuals
Site Assessment
Site Development
CCR Remediation
Decommission, Demolition and Remediation Oversight
Project Management
Fossil Fuel Plant O&M
Federal & State Regs
Site Investigation
Liability Transfer
Construction Oversight

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Representative Projects:
Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR)
Former Owner Representative
Followed closure by removal of CCR pond, cap in place of 2 ponds, and remediation of large CCRMU
Oversaw remediation of the coal yard
Breached and delisted dam of a CCR pond
Led team of 25 site personnel including site superintendent, operators, and technical staff
Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR)
Former Owner Representative
Followed closure by removal of CCR pond and cap in place of 3 ponds
Oversaw wetland delineation, leachate management, site access, NPDES permitting, and coal yard remediation
Conducted frequent meetings with state and local officials. OHEPA, and the public to ensure transparent access to site activities and progress
Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR)
Former Owner Representative
Managed project that covered over 2000 acres of recreation land and 1000 acres of property
Followed closure by removal of 6 CCR ponds and placement of CCR in 2 landfills
Oversaw remediation of the coal yard
Assisted real estate broker with successful sale of remediated property
Led team of 35 site personnel including site superintendent, operators, and technical staff