CCR Projects
Little Blue Run
Project Description
The Little Blue Run Impoundment was operated to manage the coal combustion residuals (CCRs) from the Bruce Mansfield Power Plant. Primary regulation of the facility is administrated by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), although the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) provides additional oversight since the facility extends into both states. The impoundment has a footprint of approximately 936 acres, a maximum CCR depth of over 300 feet, and is reportedly the largest CCR impoundment in the United States. The facility operated from 1975 until 2016, and is currently undergoing a multiyear in-place closure process.
Activities Performed
KEY was retained to assist with multiple aspects of the project. During the due diligence phase, KEY developed cost estimates for current permit requirements as well as possible future options to reduce scope and cost. KEY assisted with general environmental compliance, including:
Groundwater and surface water sampling/reporting
Data management
Permit modification preparation
Wetlands delineation
Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) including:
Air and noise monitoring
Submittals review
Soil and geosynthetics sampling and testing
Field inspection