CCR Projects
Pleasants Power Station
Project Description
The Pleasants Power Station is a coal-fired electric power generating station located on the banks of the Ohio River. A 90-acre area containing the Power Plant, multiple coal yards, and a former bottom ash pile were scheduled to be closed and the area used for redevelopment.
Activities Performed
KEY was retained to provide engineering support and assist with the property acquisition, permit transfers, continued environmental compliance monitoring during Plant operations, preparation of a Site-Wide Closure Plan, and a Plant Decommissioning Plan.
The Site Wide Closure Plan considered the Plant process water and Site stormwater, a phased decommissioning of two existing wastewater treatment plants and lagoons, NPDES permit modifications, coal yard closure, a former bottom ash pile closure, and future stormwater runoff. With one of the coal yards located on an adjacent property, KEY supported negotiations regarding coal yard closure and property access.
The Plant Decommissioning Plan included preparing a scope of work identifying electrical contractors needed for management of environmental wastes following Plant shutdown.
Subsequently, a series of ownership changes resulted in the plant continuing operations.