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Our Services

CCR Impoundments

KEY has the in-house expertise to evaluate and design caps and enclosure systems to manage CCR.

A major challenge for the power industry is the impact from the Coal Combustion Residue (CCR) rules. Even more challenging has been the geotechnical properties of the various landfills and impoundments that became the disposal units for CCR.

Included is KEY's innovative and patented "Sustainable Habitat" system. The use of a synthetic liner along with cap design features creates a natural setting for wildlife, while reducing the borrow material usage and costs for closure.

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200 Third Avenue

Carnegie, Pennsylvania 15106


© 2024  Key Environmental, Inc.


575 State Route 28

Suite 203

Raritan, New Jersey 08869


New England

106 Lafayette Street

Suite 2K

Yarmouth, Maine 04096



1723 Perry Highway 

Portersville, Pennsylvania 16051


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