Specializing in geophysical services for subsurface environmental, engineering and archeological evaluations.
When data for historic environmental conditions or disposal practices is limited, KEY often utilizes a high resolution electromagnetic (EM) or gradiometer surveys prior to costly subsurface intrusive activities such as drilling or test pitting. These excellent site reconnaissance tools assist in determining the presence or absence of buried utilities, tanks, waste, or other items that may be encountered. During the initial investigation, subsurface evaluations assess site conditions. These results focus investigations on potential areas of concern and/or elimination of non impacted areas.
Our experts ensure the accuracy of the data collected from test borings, piezometers, monitoring wells, geophysical assessments, and groundwater yield tests. The software utilized allows for the preparation of boring logs, performance of slope stability analyses, and assessment of lateral earth support structures. We also use ArcGIS for efficient management of large volumes of site data or environmental visual software for the development of stratigraphic cross-sections and isopach maps.