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Our Services

Site Assessments

Our well-trained team develops site assessments in a cost sensitive manner that addresses the requirements of federal, state, local regulations and financial institutions.

Our experience ranges from Phase I assessments to complex environmental hydrogeologic and chemical site characterization and site conceptual modeling. We can provide remedial investigations covering hydrogeological assessments, aquifer testing, media (air, soil, sediment, groundwater, and waste) characterization, geophysical evaluations, and human and health risk assessments.

For Phase I and II ESAs, and beyond the prescriptive requirements of the ASTM standards, KEY evaluates the client's future plans for the property. By combining our regulatory and investigative expertise, our team will identify and assess the nature and extent of environmental conditions that may impact investment decisions.

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200 Third Avenue

Carnegie, Pennsylvania 15106


© 2024  Key Environmental, Inc.


575 State Route 28

Suite 203

Raritan, New Jersey 08869


New England

106 Lafayette Street

Suite 2K

Yarmouth, Maine 04096



1723 Perry Highway 

Portersville, Pennsylvania 16051


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