Donavin Armour
Staff Engineer I
B.S., Civil Engineering Technology, Point Park University
Mr. Armour has worked on a variety of projects that have included remediation of a Superfund site that has been running successfully for almost two decades. During that time, he performed tasks such as assisting with well redevelopment, sample collection, and general O&M, while working with a team of scientists and engineers to diagnose and address defects in the air sparge, SVE, and monitoring well system. Additionally, he has worked on several SPCC planning projects where he visited sites to assess potential hazards and develop strategies to mitigate them.
Years Experience/Years with KEY: 4.5/1.5
Practice Area(s):
Coal Combustion Residuals
Construction Oversight
Oil & Gas Services
Site Assessment
Site Development
Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Water & Wastewater Design
Groundwater contour mapping
Spill Prevention and Control Countermeasures
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

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Representative Projects:
Former Manufacturing Facility
Provided construction oversight
Selected parts for installation
Developed operations manual for field staff
Drafted standard procedure plans
Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Remediation
Construction quality assurance for geomembrane and geotextile installation
Field inspection of seams, air tests, and material defects
Data collection and management
Water & Sewer Line Replacement and System Upgrade
Provided oversight for surveying
Conducted surveying for test pitting and utility location
Assisted with design and oversight of test pits