Eric Lloyd
Staff Geologist
M.S., Applied Geology & Hydrogeology, Kent State University
B.S., Geology, Youngstown State University
Mr. Lloyd provides a wide range of field experiences and technical analysis in hydrogeologic profiling and investigation, soil profiling, geotechnical construction/remediation, contaminant and groundwater modeling, and a variety of soil analysis methods. He has field experience in environmental remediation and sampling of various media, Phase I Environmental Site assessments, geotechnical site investigations, CQA field oversight, drill rig oversight, well installation, spill response cleanup oversight, conceptual and applied groundwater modeling, and statistical data analysis. His software proficiencies include ArcGIS, Groundwater Modeling System (GMS), ProUCL, Strater, Diver, and Microsoft Programs.
Years Experience/Years with KEY: 3/2
Practice Area(s):
Coal Combustion Residuals
Construction Oversight
Environmental Due Diligence
Environmental Permitting & Compliance
Groundwater Flow/Contaminant Modeling
Oil & Gas Services
Site Assessment
Site Development
Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Geotechnical Investigations
Soil Analysis and Profiling
Computational Modeling
Contaminant Transport and Modeling
Statistical Analysis
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Drill Rig Oversight

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Representative Projects:
Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR)
Completed well installations to monitor constituents in the groundwater flow
Performed alternative source demonstrations for renewal reporting
Superfund Site
Conducted soil sampling for dioxin
Provided oversight for sampling
Generated report on soil sampling results
Determined that dioxin levels remain under EPA minimum concentration level
Environmental Site Assessment
Performed site walk investigation to determine the presence of hazardous spills or contaminants on the site or surrounding area
Produced assessment reports based on observed data
Completed to meet ASTM-E1527
Geotechnical Investigation
Oversaw geotechnical drilling at landfarm
Classified subsurface lithology
Collected samples using split spoon method
Managed field vein shear test