Kate Moore, G.I.T.
Project Geologist
M.S., Earth Science, University of Memphis
B.S., Geology, State University of New York, Oneonta
Ms. Moore is an adept field geologist with experience in groundwater and soil sampling applicable to state and federal standards (EPA, NJDEP, and NYSDEC agencies), in situ geochemical stabilization, groundwater monitoring of temporary hydraulic control treatment systems, geotechnical investigation that involved sediment coring along a major east coast river, and oversight of drilling, well installation, and well abandonment under various state agencies (NJDEP, NYSDEC, MDNR, and VDEQ) . In addition to field experience, Ms. Moore provides technical support which involves; evaluation of specific site remedies to determine when remedial objectives have been met, TSCA Risk-Based applications, remedial action groundwater and soil permit application, and conceptual and applied groundwater modeling (MODFLOW, MODPATH, SEEP2D, etc.).
Year of Experience/Years with KEY: 3/3
Practice Area(s):
Brownfield Remediation/Redevelopment
Construction Oversight
Emerging Contaminants
Environmental Permitting & Compliance
Geophysics Investigations
Groundwater Flow/Contaminant Modeling
Oil & Gas Services
Site Assessment
Site Development
Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Conceptual and Applied Groundwater Modeling
Construction and CQA Oversight
In situ Geochemical Stabilization
TSCA Risk-Based Evaluations
Remedial Action Permitting for Soil and Groundwater
Implementation of and Adherence to Material Management Plan

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Representative Projects:
Former Benzol Recovery System
Revised and expanded 3-D finite-difference groundwater model
Assessed current groundwater flow conditions under different pumping scenarios
Utilized particle tracking software to visualize groundwater flow paths and directions
Former Paint Facility
Completed TSCA Risk-Based Application to address PCB remediation
Performed detailed review of previous remediation activities and Site owner’s requirements to tailor the remedial approach
Created a remediation plan for shallow soils, porous surfaces, and deep soils
Former Wood Treating Facility
Oversaw in situ geochemical stabilization utilizing permanganate-based solution to geochemically stabilize DNAPL
Coordinated with local Port Authorities and Site owner to obtain access to wells in the DNAPL zone
Managed installation of sentinel wells, and completed well development, and sampling as part of remedial action.