Rhea Varghese
Staff Engineer II
M.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
B.Tech, Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka (NITK)
Ms. Varghese’s work involves land development, permitting support, water treatment system design, and regulatory compliance. She has also worked on projects involving oil and gas site development and CCR unit closure. She gained additional experience in construction oversight for a CERCLA project in EPA Region 3 and geotechnical investigation for a water storage facility. Ms. Varghese’s modeling experience includes Civil3D and HydroCAD Stormwater modeling.
Year Experience/Years with KEY: 3/3
Practice Area(s):
Civil Design
Coal Combustion Residuals
Construction Oversight
Emerging Contaminants
Environmental Due Diligence
Environmental Permitting & Compliance
Oil & Gas Services
Site Assessment
Site Development
Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Water & Wastewater Design
Stormwater Design
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Leachate Treatment
General Permitting
Geotechnical Investigations

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Representative Projects:
Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR)
Completed compliance and permitting:
Title V air permitting
Water withdrawal reporting
Tier 2 reporting
Public water system reporting
Water Storage Facility
Oversaw geotechnical investigation for soil characterization
Obtained soil samples for laboratory testing
Prepared boring logs
Former Industrial Site
Oversaw construction of low permeability cover
Ensured RCRA requirements were met
Superfund Site
Provided construction oversight for EPA Regioin3 CERCLA project
Coordinated excavation and offsite disposal of DNAPL-impacted surface sediments